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A Goal Without a Plan is Just a Wish

I was struggling with a life crisis when my sister asked, "What is your plan?" I just looked at her blankly until she said, "A goal is a wish unless you have a plan. I suggest you sit down and write out a plan." So I did, and it made all the difference in the world. I became a NP because of that plan. I learned to turn my wishes into plans.

Most of us spend our lives wishing for longevity and good health. Most of us will not achieve those goals without a plan in place. As I explained in the previous post "Painting life;...", chances at longevity and chronic disease free health can be greatly increased just by decreasing weight to a body mass index (BMI) just below 18.5. That is easier said than done. It will remain a wish, if a plan is not in place. Health habit journaling should be part of the plan as it insures success. Future blogs will provide instruction on BMI maintenance strategies once a BMI goal is achieved. In this blog, I am providing a simple strategy to reduce BMI along with a method to make lifestyle journaling easy. These strategies are supported by "The Colorado Diet: consultants to the Biggest Loser", CALORIE study and basic established weight reduction protocols of Weight Watchers and National Institute of Health. I strongly suggest posting a motivational statement on the front of a small hand-held daily journal to keep you on coarse. Copy the table below into your journal. It will make keeping track almost time and stress free. Cross out items as you go throughout your day. If you miss entries or days, don't give up, just start again! I also included a list of foods to include in your plan to help you succeed at reaching your BMI goal.

Exercise: 30 min aerobics, strength training, stretching

Mindfulness: prayer, scripture, meditation, deep breathing, chewing 20x, savor and taste foo, eat only while sitting at a table.

Beverages - 10oz/day (may have 1 C coffee or tea per day, but don't count, dont drink colas)

  • flitered water (before breakfast- mix with whole fresh lemon or lime juice, 1/8 t Morton Light Salt & 1 pkt stevia)

  • hydroxycut flavored drink mix (required to accelerate BMI reduction and provide energy while limiting caloric intake)

  • herbal tea

  • sparkling water (home carbonator preferred)

Vegetables: 4 or more servings per day

  • asparagus

  • bean sprouts

  • bell peppers (any color)

  • bok choy

  • broccoli

  • brussel sprouts

  • cabbage

  • cauliflower

  • celery

  • chard

  • collard greens

  • cucumber

  • eggplant

  • endive

  • green onions

  • kale

  • lettuce & mixed greens

  • okra

  • fresh mushrooms

  • mustard greens

  • radishes

  • rhubarb

  • seaweed

  • snow peas

  • spinach

  • string beans (all)

  • summer squash

  • tomatoes

  • turnip greens

Protien - 5 servings per day (2oz for snacks, 4oz for meals) always weigh after cooking

  • 2 eggs (required daily & preferred for breakfast)

  • 1-2% greek yogert (4 oz required daily)

  • Unsweetened almond milk or 2oz unsalted almonds

  • 1-2% cottage cheese

  • Red meat: beef, buffalo, elk, goat, lamb, veal, venison (arm, chuck, cube, flank, ground, round rump, surloin or t-bone)

  • Poultry: remove skin from chicken, duck, goose, ostrich, pheasant, quail, gurkey

  • Fish: fresh or frozen, crab, lobster, scallops, shrimp (caned tuna or shellfish eat only 3x/wk on non-consecutive days

  • Any legumes (eat only 3x/wk on non-consecutive days

Fruit - 1 6 oz serving per day (may split between breakfast and am snack)

  • apple (best choice)

  • papaya (next best choice)

  • apricot

  • blackberries

  • blueberries

  • cantaloupe or honeydew

  • cherries

  • clementine, tangerine or naval oranges

  • grapefruit

  • kiwi

  • peach

  • pear

  • plums

  • prunes (2oz only)

  • raspberries

  • strawberries

  • watermelon

  • grapes (3x/wk on non-consecutive days)

  • raisins or currants (2oz only 3x/wk on non-consecutive days)

  • pineapple (3x/wk on nonconsecutive days)

Starches - 2 servings per day at breakfast and supper;1/4 C grain, 1 slice bread or 1/2C root vegetable

  • jicama

  • millet

  • oats

  • parsnips

  • quinoa

  • sweet potato

  • turnip

  • winter squash

  • yams

  • ezekiel bread

Healthy fats - 3servings (tsp of coconut, extra virgin olive oils, clarified butter, or 1/2 fresh avocado)


  • any dried or fresh organic herbs or vinegar (prefer apple cider vinegar) in any amount are required daily

  • 1/2 t Morton Lite Salt (required daily)

  • 1 whole fresh lemon or lime juice (required daily)

  • 2 T fat-free dressings

  • 1 T mustard

  • 1 T horseradhish

  • 1 t tobasco sauce

Suggested supplements per day: green are strongly recommended

  • 1 quality multi vitamin daily

  • 2 recommended doses of Fiber (breakfast & supper to prevent hunger pangs)

  • 2400mcg Theracumin (powerful anti-inflammitory and cellular repair)

  • 250mg Magnesium (divided breakfast & supper to decrease anxiety, stress and improve muscle, bone and nerve health and produce cell restorative sleep)

  • 5,000-10,000 IU vit D3 (immunity, energy, bone, skin and hair health)

  • 200mg Potassium (divided breakfast & supper)

  • .3mg Melatonin (at supper time to enhance sleep and powerful cellular repair)

  • 100mcg vit K2 (significant rapid reduction of athlerosclerotic plaques)

  • Omega 3 or CoQ10 recommended dose (breakfast, lunch & supper to tighten skin and promote cardiovascular health)

  • red yeast rice (for blood sugar regulation - consult your physician if you are pre-diabetic)

  • 50mg zinc (to boost immunity)

  • 100mcg selenium (to enhance brain clarity)

  • 60mg vit C (to boost immunity and promote skin health)

  • 3000IU vit A (skin and eye health)



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