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I will fight for you!

I was exposed to radiation to my head and neck while treating ovarian cancer patients with radioactive implants at a large teaching hospital in the early 90’s. Nearly 20 years later I was diagnosed with an accelerated aging disease as well as Hashimotos on July 4, 2010. The sad fact was that even though I was “cured” and "supplemented" I was facing the probability of progressing into a laundry list of chronic illnesses that cost this country billions of dollars in health care expenditures. The list consists of diabetes, hypertension, cardio-vascular disease; arrhythmias, mitral valve regurgitation, coronary artery disease, diabetes, weight gain, osteoporosis, kidney stones, early onset dementia, depression and anxiety. I could go on to continue to list the sequela of this insidious “aging disease”. I was newly married at the time. I was once an energetic and vibrant marathon runner, but found myself having trouble just getting out of bed. Once out of bed, I struggled just to walk around the block. I was determined to fight what the medical world called inevitable and the negative stigma associated with my disease.

When medicine did all they could do, I enlisted the help of a Registered Dietician Nutritionist. I moved further down the road to recovery and onto health promotion and prevention. Everyone can benefit from cleaning up their diet and the prudent use of tailored supplements based on laboratory findings. I knew I needed to know more about what worked for me. I entered graduate school. My son was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and my sister with late stage breast cancer during this journey. This motivated me even more to learn more about how to help those who experienced challenging diagnoses, treatments and were on the other side of "cure", but still experiencing mental and physical difficulties. In the years that followed I learned more about the aging process and aging diseases, gene therapy and new discoveries over the horizon. I also learned how to prevent complications in patients still struggling with the “cured” aftermath.

I completed graduate school as a Sigma Theta Tau Scholar with a degree that focused on providing primary care for patients ages 13 to death with specialization in geriatric health problems and aging-theories and cancer care. I am confident I am much better equipped with the tools in my tool belt to help you fight whatever you are battling because of stress, disease and treatment you have endured.

Verve care is theory-driven, holistic, and based on current best evidence. I am also open to incorporating National Institute of Health's approved complementary interventions as well as those interventions that have strong anecdotal efficacy. I am also networked with a pool of brilliant professionals from other disciplines that I refer to. I am the provider that will treat you the way I treated myself—with all the stops pulled out. I am fully equipped with a very large ear to listen to all of your concerns, and the knowledge you have gained on your journey, in an attempt to understand you as more than your disease. It is also permissable to invite me to pray for you. I will fight for you the way I fought for myself.



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