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Top 10 A's of the Anti-Aging Lifestyle


  • surround yourself with positive people

  • establish strong and varied social connections

  • get involved in continued learning

  • engage in disciplined hobbies: music, painting, strategic games etc.

  • participate in clubs and group activities that include all age groups

  • mentor a young person


  • Gratitude

  • Joy

  • Faith

  • Confidence


  • Smile

  • Upright posture

  • Groom daily

4. AGUA:

  • 8-10 glasses (2 C with lemon in am & 2 cups with rosewater)

  • Avoid fruit juices (eat your fruit)

  • Avoid carbonated beverages

  • Avoid coffee and replace with green tea

  • Limit intake of alcohol to 4oz (females)-5oz (males) per day of Cabernet, Pinot Noir or Shiraz is okay!


  • See your provider prior to starting an exercise program

  • A strong body is a beautiful body and self esteem booster

  • Exercise is a potent skin and organ detoxifier and bone strengthener

  • Stress the lungs and heart to a point of breathlessness

  • Aerobic activity at least 150min per week followed by flexibility practice (stretching or yoga)

  • Weight and strength training at least twice a week. Start low and go slow.


  • Feed your youth with a vast array of colors and choose 5-7 servings of above ground vegetables

  • Do not be afraid to eat 3-5 servings of fruit a day, as natural sugars can be readily used for energy and not as easily stored as refined sugars. They hold powerful immune boosting potential.

  • Drink green tea daily

  • Avoid poisons & choose organic - Sugar and unhealthy fats and environmental toxins are your enemies

  • Savor occasional cacao treats for your pallet enjoyment

  • Aguagerian diet – seafood skinless poultry condiment size servings (4oz) once a day to augment a mostly vegan diet.


  • Take pride in dressing early and daily - it will set the tone for your day!

  • Well fitting cloths & footwear

  • High quality cloths

  • Wear color to brighten your mood


  • Organize your surroundings - it will unclutter your mind.

  • Pace your chores to avoid overstressing your efforts - do a little every day

  • Incorporate beauty into your surroundings


  • Avoid oversleeping - 7-8 hours is optimal for health and more or less is detrimental

  • Use pleasant alarms music or the sun to waken.

  • Sleep hygiene nightly: oral and facial hygiene or luxury baths before bed, lavender diffusers or other aromatherapy

  • No electronics or TV 1 hour before bed - replace with reading a good book

  • Meditation and relaxation breaths will promote REM sleep.


  • Daily alternating (x7) hot & cold showers

  • Dry brushing 3x/wk

  • Fractional laser once a year for skin health and wrinkle management

  • Eggwhite protein/papaya/rosewater wrinkle eraser. (recipe available upon request)

  • Krill oil for cardiovascular health - this may no longer be recommended as findings are showing that it does not prevent MIs and strokes.

  • Vitamin D to get 25-D3 level to 50

  • Calcium diet supplementation to get intake to 1200mg

  • MVI daily

  • Acupuncture to manage pain

  • Message to increase circulation and stress management

  • Hair analysis and mineral balancing yearly

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