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Palette de la Palete Cookbook preview

Do you like the taste of cucumbers? How about red bell peppers and tomatoes? How about olive oil and sweet roasted garlic? Have I got a refreshing summertime recipe for you! But before sharing the recipe let me mention something about skin health.

My areas of expertise are oncology and dermatology. The skin gives a window into the overall health of our bodies. During a physical exam, I look at the skin for clues to possible infections, cardiovascular, pulmonary, hormone, lumps, bumps and funny looking lesions (cancer warning signs) renal and, GI problems etc. If you feed your skin the things that contribute to keeping it looking good, you are feeding your body good nutrition that will help prevent cancer and chronic diseases, promote healthy function and make it easier to apply skin healthy make up (for women of coarse) to look your best. Body cells function less efficiently as time passes. Risk factors that damage cells which can lead to cancer are:

  1. Chemicals,radon and radiation exposure

  2. smoking tobacco and marijuana and second had smoke

  3. excessive sun exposure (15-20 minutes is healthy and safe and good for production of vitamin D and eye health).

  4. low functioning immune systems that can't effectively ward off viruses & bacteria

  5. hormones and excessive hormones found in animal products

  6. high animal fat diets

  7. Diets high in refined sugar (not sugars in fruit) - What happens to sugar when it gets wet--it gets sticky. It can gum up your body machine virtually anywhere. That's why I call it "White Satan". If you don't do anything else get eliminate it completely.

  8. diets low in antioxidants (wide array of fruits and vegetables-especially cruciferous and green leafy veggies

  9. sedentary lifestyles and obesity

  10. high stress levels

  11. genetics (less than 20% of cancers have genetic predispositions and lifestlye measures can be good prevention)

Skin and other body cells, heal more slowly and lose some of its ability to retain moisture. Our bodies produce antioxidants, which are agents that counteract damage to our body cells. As we age, the body's ability to produce antioxidants diminishes. What is encouraging is the fact that we can increase the level of antioxidants by ingesting antioxidant rich foods that hold powerful abilities to fight off diseases, cancer and aid in recovery from damaging cancer treatment. Don't be afraid to eat 3-5 4 oz servings of fruit per day along with 5-7 4 oz. servings of vegetables with a 4oz serving of protein for each serving. Eat 6 small meals a day. Here is a list of some of the best suppliers of antioxidants and foods with powerful anti-inflammatory effects (list is not exhaustive but are powerful boosters;

Vegetables: Spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, red pepper, cabbage, string beans, celery and cucumber.

Fruit: papaya, mango, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, kiwi, tomatoes, green and red grapes, plums, pears, and oranges

Combinations of legumes and rice for protein: chick peas, navy beans, black beans, black eyed pease, lima beans, butter beans, peas with whole grain brown and wild rices.

4oz size x once per day protein sources: mackerel, turkey breast w/o skin, haddock, cod, salmon, Tuna and sea bass, chicken breast w/o skin.

Fats: extra virgin olive oil (1st cold press), avocado, almond butter and almonds, macadamia nuts

Condiments: circumin (turmeric - an antioxidant power-house), garlic, oregano, basil, mustard seed, curry,ginger, cinnamon, clove

Below are two featured recipes in the Verve Palette de la Palete Cookbook that will be available in the store in the future. Add sides of rice and beans and papaya for desert. This qualifies as a small meal for the day, that I've eaten 3 or more times a day because I love it so much. These recipes are summertime antioxidant boosters:


Cucumber Pineapple Sorbet

2 large peeled & deseeded coarsely chopped English cucumber (about 2 lbs)

1 C cubed pineapple

Pinch of sea salt

Zest from 1 lime

Juice from 1 lime

3 cilantro leaves

3 basil leaves

1 T vodka (optional)

Directions: Combine all ingredients in blender and completely blend til almost smooth.Pass mixture through a coarse strainer. Place in ice cream maker and process til frozen. Transfer to glass/lidded freezer container and store in refrigerator overnight before serving

Vail Gazpacho with Cucumber Sorbet


16 plum tomatoes (flash peeled and deseeded)

1 4oz can organic tomato paste

1 red bell pepper (flash peeled, deseeded and chopped) reserve 4 T minced for garnish

1 large English cucumber (peeled, deseeded and cubed)

Enough filtered water to attain soupy consistency

½ coarsely chopped red onion – reserve 4 T minced for garnish

1/4C organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar

2 clay oven roasted garlic cloves (Roast whole garlic head in terra cotta garlic roaster @ 350F for 1 hr.)

½ t cumin

½ t fresh grated turmeric

½ t smoked paprika

1 t sea salt

1 t whole coarsely ground black pepper corns

¼ C cold pressed extra virgin olive oil

Coriander confetti ingredients:

1 T coriander seeds

4T minced fresh organic red bell pepper

4T minced fresh organic green bell peppers

4 T minced fresh organic yellow/orange bell pepper

4 T minced organic red onion

4T very thinly sliced scallions


Cucumber Pineapple Sorbet (see recipe under deserts)

2 T Minced cilantro

2 T basil

zest of 1 lemon


  1. Combine ½ of tomatoes, ½ of red bell peppers, ½ of cucumber, ½of red onions, and ½ of the garlic and all of the tomato paste, cumin, paprika, salt, pepper, olive oil and vinegar in a food processor. Process to almost pureed consistency.

  2. Add the other half of the tomatoes, bell pepper, cucumber and onions to the processor and pulse process to small chunky consistency.

  3. Add enough water to attain a desired soupy consistency, place in large glass pitcher and refrigerate for 2 hours to thoroughly marry flavors and chill.

  4. In a small bowl mix confetti ingredients together until mixed thoroughly.Place in refrigerator to chill.

  5. Place minced cilantro and zest in a ramekin and blend together thoroughly.

Serving Instructions:

  1. Arrange confetti in a ring formation at the bottom of a chilled shallow soup bowl.

  2. With a small geared melon-baler, scoop cucumber sorbet, being careful to form into intact orbs. Carefully place the sorbet orb in the center of the confetti ring of the soup bowl.

  3. Place on the table in front of guests.

  4. Pass the gazpacho pitcher around the table and have guests pour into their bowls. The sorbet orb should float in the center.

  5. Pass the cilantro zest ramekin with small crudités spoon. Instruct guests to sprinkle a small dusting over sorbet.

  6. Watch your guests ooh and ahh!

  7. Keep covered leftovers in the fridge to enjoy the rest of the week.

Servings: 8





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