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   Nurse Practitioners, are advanced practice nurses (APRNs), who deliver 10 primary healthcare outcome advantages 

   over other healthcare models:


  1. APRNs provide equally safe or safer care.

  2. APRNs have lower rates of unnecessary hospital admissions, readmissions and emergency room visits

  3. APRNs deliver evidence-based care that is comperable or better.

  4. APRNs are more consistent with health prevention and promotion in meeting national 2020 health care goals.

  5. APRNs provide timely effective and equitable patient-centered care.

  6. APRNs report higher patient satisfaction scores.

  7. APRNs consistently operationalize a holistic approach to healthcare through emphasis on caring for patients and their support systems through the use of nursing theory.

  8. APRNs contribute significantly to saving national healthcare dollars.

  9. APRNs provide more healthcare services to underserved populations.

  10. APRNs are more sensitive to ethical use of community and global healthcare resources.






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© American Association of Nurse Practitioners, Revised 2007, 2010, 2013, 2015, Reviewed and Revised by the AANP Fellows at the Winter 2015 Meeting

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